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Your 60-Day Manifestation Journal (Updated Edition!)

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Your 60-Day Manifestation Journal (Updated Edition!)

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Your 60-Day Manifestation Journal has been UPDATED with new information! Grab your copy of the latest edition!

PSST! My NEW Manifestation Book + Journal (with a twist!) is now available on Amazon! Click HERE to grab your copy of this amazing book!

Your 60-Day Manifestation Journal is a mental and emotional workout designed to help you change your life.

It combines lessons on neuroscience, spirituality, energy work, your nervous system, consciousness, quantum physics, and the Laws of the universe so you can learn to change your habits, understand your power in creating circumstances, and practice the beautiful science of conscious manifestation.

Imagine waking up and finally feeling at home inside yourself. 

Imagine being able to do exactly what you want, when you want, and how you want.

Imagine feeling a trust in the Universe so deep, it brings you to tears. 

You may not believe this right now, but that’s the life that already exists inside you. 

As an energy being, you're designed to manifest what you want — but you may be struggling to let go of past beliefs that do not serve you now.

Once you understand your innate power to change circumstances and experience more than ever before, you'll never go back.

If you’re like me, you may have tried a lot of tools to manifest your “dream life” without success. 

There’s a reason this happens: the conscious mind doesn’t have enough of a blueprint to relax and allow change and your nervous system's set point is stuck in survival mode.

On my journey to understand the connection between what I was emitting emotionally and what was being created in my life, my biggest shift came from understanding what manifesting is and how it works. 

Once I understood the science (and that I was manifesting all the time, unconsciously, of course), I had quantifiable success in creating better circumstances and understood how powerful I truly am. 

After you discover who you are (the whole damn Universe!), your entire experience of life will change.

I've done the hard work and put together the most important lessons and teachings together in one place.

Your 60-Day Manifestation Journal is designed to teach you the science of transformation and help you create more aligned (and satisfying) circumstances for yourself.

You'll learn to think and feel in new ways, focus on new parts of life, and train your brain and body for greater prosperity. (Sounds pretty good to me!).

This journal takes complex topics and makes them accessible and understandable.

You'll learn why change feels so hard from the brain's perspective, what's going on scientifically when you think thoughts, and how you can start to make real physical changes in your brain to live a fuller (and more peaceful) life.

Here's what's included:

  • A detailed 50+page guide with teachings about energy, the brain, consciousness, the ego & the soul, the power of I AM, the Law of Attraction, numerology and patterns in the Universe, BE-ing what you want to attract, the power of thoughts and emotions, and SO MUCH MORE! (the guide includes never-before-heard lessons from my personal teacher - BONUS!) — this guide is filled with knowledge from brain experts, metaphysical teachers, and manifesting masters
  • A list of abundance affirmations
  • A book list so you can continue your studies
  • Journal pages for 60 days of morning and evening reflections so you can keep track of your progress and growth (that's 120+ pages for journaling!) + 4 check-in pages every 15 days to write about your progress
  • Journal pages include specific prompts, questions, and mental rehearsal techniques to help train your brain, mind, and body to focus on what you want (versus being stuck in the past)
  • A step-by-step guide to clear your energy field
  • Resources throughout you can explore at your leisure

Lifetime access is only $27!

There's a spiritual reason behind this price. In numerology, 2+7=9. 9 represents transformation, growth, completion, and evolution. Feels pretty good, right?

The lessons in this journal will serve you for years. Why? Because once you're exposed to a new way of living and thinking, it's hard to go back — especially when you're feeling so good!

These ideas and techniques will become automatic the longer you include them in your routine.

After you read the guide, you'll get to put your new knowledge to use. The 60 days of journal pages will help you practice new thoughts, habits, and feelings by prompting you to pay attention to new things. Your brain and body will get a new kind of workout, which will result in new neurology in your brain and chemistry in your body.

You can re-print the journal pages as often as you want to keep practicing your desired beliefs, thoughts, and vibrations.

Your daily life won't be the same because you'll be experiencing it from a new perspective — and you'll be having more pleasure along the way.

This journal is helpful for beginners and experts — learn from scratch or brush up on your knowledge! Mindset and nervous system work is a daily practice and this journal will help you create a practice that creates real changes in your life.


Pretty rad, right?!

To get started on your transformation, grab your copy and start your journey!

The fine print: This is a downloadable PDF. You can print the journal pages OR use your own journal to write your reflections. Length: 265 pages. All sales have a 30-day money-back guarantee through Gumroad. Thank you!

p.s. LOVE the journal? Leaving a rating on Gumroad and sharing the link to purchase help more people find this work! Plus, I love hearing from my readers!

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